Tarleen K.

North House

Topic : Marketing of Skin Care Products

Essential Question :

What is the most important factor in marketing your skin care product successfully?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Senior Project Presentation 1

*The objective of my five minute presentation is to inform students about the difference between skin care products that are truly natural and/or organic and those who claim to be.

1. I will begin by asking, "How many of you, by a show of hands, believe that they are using natural and/or organic skin care products?" Most girls,and some guys as well do use some sort of skin care product om their face, whether its a moisturizer or sunscreen.

2. I will then pick on a few student and ask if they know if the products they are using are really natural or organic, and how they know they are.

3. After a few answers, I will begin a brief explanation of what natural and organic is, and one way to know if they are, which is researching the company and understanding the ingredients used in them.

4. After explaining, I will show my visual. My visual will be of two skin care products (one product that claims to be natural/organic, and one who really is) and I will explain some ingredients and the information on the packaging itself.

5. I will then conclude by asking one or two students what they gathered from the presentation.

1 comment:

  1. You should explore the site beautypedia.com. Edwards and I check almost every beauty product we buy on there. Is your premise that natural and organic is better for you? What is your evidence? I mean, there are certain things that are naturally occurring and not good for you : )

    For your conclusion, you'll want to ask them a question where they will have to use information that you gave them.
