Tarleen K.

North House

Topic : Marketing of Skin Care Products

Essential Question :

What is the most important factor in marketing your skin care product successfully?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Science Fair Proposal

 1) Hypothesis: If nail polish is exposed to soap, then it will last the least amount of time on a square tile.

2) Control: tiles with lots of nail polish that are not manipulated
    Dependent: nail polish removal
    Independent: removal fluids (ex:soap)

3) My senior project EQ, which is "What is the most important factor in marketing your skin care product successfully?" does not necessarily correspond with my science fair project. One important factor in marketing skin care products is the success of the product. The product must work for potential customers so that they will purchase the product. Same thing goes for nail polish companies. If the product does not last long enough, then customers will not purchase the product after all.
4) I will perform the experiment for five days straight, and on day one, I will have my conrol(4 un-touched nail polishes) out while I expose the four different nail polish companies to dishwasher soap. I will continue to do this until day 5. To determine which has the least amount of nail polish, I will weigh the control and document. Then on day 5, I will weigh the tiles again, and see which weighs the least.

-dishwasher soap
-4 different nail polish companies
-small(light as possible) square tiles
-record sheet

5) This falls under Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Source: Secret Ingredient: Nail Polish. Nail Magazine. May 19, 2011. http://www.nailsmag.com/article/92314/secret-ingredient-nail-polish